Miko, the Mox and I had a lot of fun last weekend (Oct. 6 & 7). On Friday, we drove the hour and a half to the WAG (Western Agility Group) facility near Elk Grove. Miko was competing and Mox was along for the experience and socialization. We set up camp in my wonderful new REI tent, which is big enough for crates for both dogs, plus my sleeping bag and all our stuff, with room left over. A BIG tent! but easy for me to set up by myself, at least when there isn't much wind.
I had brought along the camping stove and some propane bottles, planning to at least make coffee and breakfast each morning, but after learning that there was a Starbucks less than 3 miles away, that opened at 5 a.m., I quickly bagged the camp kitchen idea. The Starbucks, plus a Round Table Pizza (Friday nite dinner) and a Chinese restaurant (Saturday nite dinner) and a bunch of other businesses were grouped around the perimeter of a huge parking lot that was nearly empty every time I went there. Until pretty recently I guess the area was mainly ranchland -- the streets have names like Machado Ranch Blvd, etc -- but now is subdivided; big houses on tiny lots. Not many people, or maybe they were all inside. For sure they weren't having pizza, Chinese food, or lattes!

Miko had a fabulous weekend. He qualified in all 6 of the classes he entered, with 4 first places and 2 seconds. He earned his very first agility titles in the process -- his Level 2 Standard (CL2-R), and Level 2 "Handlers" (CL2-H, which involves obstacle-discrimination games).

Moxie had a pretty good weekend too. He didn't bark or whine AT ALL, he walked (fairly) calmly on leash all around the arenas and crowded warm-up areas, and when I worked him he was focused and attentive. The first couple of times I took Miko out to the ring to compete, I put Mox in his crate. But then I figured he'd behaved so well I'd try just leaving him loose in the tent. So I gave him a chew toy, crossed my fingers, and off Miko and I went. Golden silence :-) Even when the dog in the tent next to ours started to fuss, he didn't join in.
This is the first time I've been camping since I took myself off to Tuolumne Meadows for a week in September 2002 or 2003. One thing that's changed is that my older bones no longer care for sleeping on an Ensolite foam pad. Before the next trip 2 weeks from now, I'm buying an air mattress!
Just one last quick note on Moxie -- he's been doing really well in class, and in his practice sessions between classes, so the plan at this moment is to take him to a fun match at WAG on Nov. 17.