
Fun Paws CPE and a NADAC "fun raiser"

Q: "Are you ready?
A: "I was born ready!"

April 5 and 6 found us at our favorite stomping grounds, WAG in Elk Grove, for a CPE trial sponsored by Fun Paws.  I ran only Moxie, though Miko came along for the ride.  Mox had a pretty good weekend, with 5 Q's in 10 classes, winning 3 firsts and 2 2nds.  "Really" he was 6 for 10, since he had an excellent run in Sunday's Jackpot, but I screwed up and negated the gamble at the end.  (If you are not a Dog Agility Person, I understand that I might as well be speaking Mandarin here!)  I seem to be wired to make at least one colossal mistake in every trial!

He is now in Level 3 everything except Snooker, and he's halfway through his Level 3 Standard.  So he has almost caught up with Miko!

I have to say it was relaxing to be running just one dog, and I don't think Miko was too bored.  I had set up the tent, even though we stayed at the motel at night, and there was plenty of room for the dogs to hang out inside without having to be crated.  Plus there were the exercise pens where I took him 3 or 4 times a day to stretch his legs and have a change of scene.  Next time we go, I'll plan to camp (hoping the replacement air mattress has survived 5 months storage in the garage and doesn't dump me on the ground!).  Incidentally, that was a windy weekend and I discovered that putting up that big tent by myself in the face of fairly strong gusts is, shall we say, a challenge.  Taking it down would have been an adventure too, as the wind was if anything even stronger by then, but fortunately I had some help for that task.

I found out on Monday that in addition to the 2 prizes I won in Saturday's workers' raffle, I also won another.  This one's exciting -- an 8 x 10 print of a photo by David Wong.  So now I'm waiting to see the pix Dave took that weekend, to decide whether I want one of those, or one from the early-January NADAC trial.

Speaking of NADAC, I had entered Mox in a "fun-raiser" in Santa Rosa on Sunday 4/13.  Elsa and I drove up for the day with both dogs.  It was a small show and they were taking day of show entries, so I signed Miko up for the first 2 classes, before the day got too  hot.  He was in fine form; had 2 lovely clean runs, Q'd in both classes and won one of them.  The other was strictly Q/NQ, with no placements.

Moxie's first few runs were pretty wild, but then he settled down and Q'd in his last 3 runs, with 2 firsts and a 2nd.  He was the fastest dog in Novice Jumpers by over 12 seconds!  That was his 3rd Jumpers leg at that level, so next time he moves up to Open.  He's already joined Miko in Open Regular (Standard).

Elsa took some video ... if anything's worth looking at (really poor lighting conditions in the open-sided roofed arena) I'll get them posted before long.

Now we have about 4 weeks off.  Time to head up to Portland to see my granddaughter!