
Playing Catch-Up!

Wow ... I'm falling down on the job here!  Since my last entry, dawgz and I have been to agility trials in Eureka, Turlock (twice) and Elk Grove (twice).  We're about to take off for Santa Rosa again, for our final outing of the season, Bay Team CPE.  

Pictures if I ever get any!

But not to get ahead of myself:  I made the long haul up to Eureka in mid-August for the HumDog CPE trial by myself this year.  Last year Elsa went with me and she planned to again this year.  I don't remember, now, exactly what came up, but something did and she stayed home.  M,M & I had a very nice room with a Jacuzzi (I do draw the line at bathing with my dogs!) and I was able to visit several friends who live in the area -- one of the reasons for driving quite a ways out of my usual stomping grounds.

Assuming (correctly, as it turned out) that the weather would be fairly cool, I entered Miko in 4 classes. He Q'd and placed first in all of them, finishing his Level 3 Colors and Full House legs.  Moxie also finished his L3 Full House and Wildcard legs, and got his first 2 L4 Standard legs.  He had several NQ's that were almost really wonderful -- a non-traditional Jackpot where he did a really long send-away through a tunnel, exiting at the end of the dogwalk then coming back to me over the dogwalk. This was worth 30 points. Only 3 dogs attempted it, only one actually accomplished it. Moxie did everything perfectly but missed the down contact on the DW. Despite the fault, I was so thrilled with the gamble I forgot the rest of my plan and we ended up with time faults. I didn't care.

I also (almost) didn't care about his NQ in Jumpers. His run was so fast and pretty ... maybe i should have handled more and admired less! At any rate, he was perfect until the next to last jump, which I don't think he even saw. He just blew past it and went on to take the last one out of order.

Our Snooker woes continued. I was beginning to think we'd be stuck in L2 Snooker for the rest of our lives.

Since there weren't any CPE trials around here in September, I decided to give USDAA a try. Headed over to Nunes Agility Field in Turlock for a trial sponsored by VAST (Valley Agility Sports Team). I didn't run Miko. Moxie was entered in the Performance, rather than Championship division. His Championship jump height is 22", and that just seems like a lot for him. In Performance, he jumps his CPE height of 16".

He had a pretty good weekend: 5 Q's/7 classes, 2 firsts, 3 2nds, with the only NQ's being ... Snooker, both days.

Moving right along ... 

WAG 10/4 - 5.  A good weekend.  Moxie Q'd in 7 of 10 classes, with 6 first places.  And finally, make that FINALLY!! we got that elusive L2 Snooker leg, to FINALLY!!! finish his Level 2 Title.  Everything else was in the bag in early April!  Miko ran in 2 classes, Q'd/blued in one and had a fast, happy NQ in the other.

FunPaws at WAG 10/18 - 19. Another good weekend.  We're the Snooker gods!!  Mox not only Q'd both days, he also placed first! Another 7 for 10 weekend, 6 wins, one 2nd.  Along the way, he got his last L3 Colors leg and his CL3-H title.  Miko got his last L3 Wildcard leg and also finished his CL3-H title.  (Wildcard and Colors are the 2 events that make up the "Handlers" title.)

VAST CPE 10/24-25.  We had a great Saturday -- Mox was 4 for 4, with 3 firsts and a 2nd. AND in those 4 Q's was his last L3 Snooker, which finished his CL3 title!  Miko won his class as well.  Sunday started out auspiciously, with Miko winning his L4 Standard class and Mox having a really good Jackpot run that turned out to be NQ because we were late starting the gamble.  (I have since bought a stopwatch; this isn't the first time I've ended up on the wrong side of the ring at the whistle.)

After that, things kind of came apart.  I just wasn't with the program for some reason; stood around like a lawn jockey.  Mox soon figured out that there was nobody home, and started making up his own courses.  

Next stop, Santa Rosa!