Last things first. In Palo Alto, Moxie finally, FINALLY, got his last Level 4 Snooker leg! After who knows how many tries (I think at one point we were 0 for 9!) This finishes his Level 4 title at long last. He also got his final Level 5 Jackpot (with a gi-normous 67 point score) and Wildcard. This leaves him needing 5 L5 Snookers, 5 L5 Standards, and 2 L5 Colors ... a grand total of just 12 legs for his C-ATCH title. I can taste it :-P
Miko has almost completed the re-do of his L3 classes, necessitated by my switching him from the Regular to Enthusiast category. I had assumed that they would combine legs toward his title, but they don't, so we had to repeat about 50% of his classes he'd already qualified in. He's been marching steadily along in his unspectacular way since last fall, and now needs only 1 Standard leg to get back to Go.
Our second USDAA trial, in April, was pretty successful. Mox ran in Performance Level 1 (for babydogs) -- needed 1 Standard to move up, and got it; 1 Gambler (Jackpot) to move up and got it; needed 2 Jumpers and got 1, 3 Snookers and got 2. We entered the pairs relay with Tammy Damon and her Aussie, Simon Says. Neither dog was at his best and we NQ'd ... but we're trying again in Prudedale this weekend. Tammy and her partner, Elena, are also Ace students.
I still haven't made up my mind whether to switch to USDAA as my primary venue after Moxie gets his C-ATCH. CPE is much more casual and laid back. Also, Miko doesn't have the drive to do well in USDAA, so it would be pointless to enter him. Not that he'd care one way or the other. As long as he gets to go tracking, he's happy!