
Miko strikes again!

I'm waiting for a CD of photos from the Fun Paws CPE agility trial 10/20 -21 at WAG (and yes, it does seem as if I'm wearing a deep rut between Oakland and Elk Grove!). David Wong was there all weekend, taking pictures in the outdoor ring. He uses a motor drive, so there are multiple shots of your dog at each obstacle. Not only a great way to be sure you get just the right shot -- studying the series is also very instructional, almost like viewing a film. I'm tapping my fingers impatiently, and keeping a sharp eye on the mailbox.

Meanwhile, boring ol' text: Mr Meex had another perfect weekend. He Q'd in all 8 of his classes, got 4 blue ribbons, 3 reds and a yellow (that should have been blue, if I hadn't completely blown it at the end). Maybe the high point of the weekend was racking up 66 points in the jackpot (gamblers). Not only was this nearly 3 times the points we needed to Q, it was *almost* the high score out of all the 80+ dogs (all levels ran the same gamblers course). I didn't see anything higher on the score sheets posted after the class, but when the results were actually published there was a 68, earned by a very experienced handler and champion-level dog. Didn't make me any less proud of my boy!

I camped in my tent again; spent Friday night re-pumping my brand new air bed, which turned out to have a slow leak. Found a replacement for it Saturday and expected to sleep soundly that night. Instead, I watched the sides of the tent belly and ripple in the gusting wind and listened to the sound of other people's shade canopies being blown over, too close to me for comfort, so got up at about 1 a.m., found the extra tent pegs, guy lines and a hammer, and battened down the hatches. I don't really think the tent was going anywhere. On the other hand, I wasn't 100% sure it wasn't going to try. I'm used to little backpacking tents with low profiles. My "dog tent" is over 6' high in the center -- nice for moving around in, and airy in hot weather. But not designed for wind, no way.

More when the pix come...

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